
Salivary Gland Tumors

Salivary Gland Tumors

Salivary glands produce saliva to moisten the mouth to help protect teeth from decay and to digest food. The three major salivary glands are the parotid glands, submandibular glands and sublingual glands. The saliva in the mouth drains through small tubes called ducts. - The parotid gland makes 25% of saliva in the mouth and drains near the upper teeth. - The submandibular gland is 70% of the saliva in the mouth and drains in the floor laterally. - The gland sublingual makes 5% of saliva and drains in the floor of the mouth before. Moreover 600-1000 between tiny glands (the minor salivary glands) are located on the lips, inside of the cheek, and the lining of the mouth and throat. The most common cause problems in the salivary glands occurs when the ducts are blocked and can not drain the saliva in the oral cavity.  

Problems with the ducts: sialolithiasis . is a condition where they form small calculi in the salivary glands and these consist of calcium Some calculations cause no symptoms but others may block ducts and the flow of saliva partially or completely interrupted. With this the gland can increase and may develop an infection. Sialoadenitis is a painful infection of a salivary gland which can be caused by bacteria, for calculations, but children can also develop sialoadenitis during the first weeks of life. The sialadenite may become if a serious infection if not treated properly. Viral infections such as mumps, influenza, Coxsackie virus, Echo-virus and cytomegalovirus can cause increased volume of salivary glands. Cysts may develop in the salivary glands after injuries, infections, stones, tumors or may be congenital. 

 Tumors Most salivary tumors are benign (noncancerous), but they may also be carcinogenic.The parotid gland is the most common tumors. pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumor of the salivary glands. It grows slowly and is benign.Warthin tumor is the second most common benign tumor of the salivary glands. It is more common in older men and can grow on both sides of the face.Cancerous (malignant) tumors are rare in the salivary glands and usually occur between ages 50 to 60. Some types can grow quickly and others are slow growing. Other disorders of the salivary glands Sjogren's Syndrome is a chronic disease. The white blood cells attack the mucus producing glands such as the salivary glands, the lacrimal glands and the sweat glands times. Middle-aged women are the most affected. Sjögren's syndrome is often seen in people who have rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, scleroderma and polymyositis.Sialadenose is a painless enlargement of the salivary gland without a known cause. The parotid gland is usually affected.  

Symptoms present in diseases of the salivary glands: sialolithiasis usually begins as a painful lump under the tongue. Calculations block the flow of saliva and this causes pain during meals. Sialadenitis creates a painful lump on the cheek or neck. There may be pus drainage in the mouth. The fever may occur. generalized viral infectionscan cause fever, headache, muscle aches and pains in the joints throughout the body. If the virus is installed on the parotid glands, enlargement can occur on both sides of the face. Mucoceles appears as cyst inside the lower lip, can drain yellowish secretion. Depending on the volume can hinder eating, speaking or swallowing. The tumors , cancerous or noncancerous can grow the palate, cheek, tongue or neck. Often slow and painful evolution. Sjögren's syndromecauses a decrease in the amount of secretion of salivary glands with consequent dryness of the mouth, tooth decay, mouth sores, sialolithiasis, and recurrent infections of the salivary glands are possible symptoms. Sialadenoseis usually painless, but the parotid gland can enlarge.  

Diagnosis Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. During the physical examination, the doctor will examine your head, neck and inside of the mouth and check for lumps or areas of pain. The doctor may order tests to aid in the diagnosis: X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI . The Aspiration by fine needle (FNA) is required to advise on the kindness or not the tumor, but is does not give a definitive diagnosis. salivary function tests, eye exams and blood tests for diagnosis of Sjögren's syndrome will be required . 

 Causes and Risk Factors The exact cause of stone formation is not known, but some factors may contribute to the condition: Dehydration, which leaves the most concentrated saliva;Decreased food intake reduces the demand for saliva; The anti- antihistamines, blood pressure medications, drugs; . psychiatric and other medications may decrease saliva production Factors that increase the risk of developing sialodenitis are: Dehydration, malnutrition, eating disorders recent surgery, chronic illness, cancer, prematurity Antihistamines, diuretics, psychiatric medications, drugs for pressure blood, barbiturates History of Sjögren's syndrome occupations (trumpet playing) Risk factors for pleomorphic adenomas include: • Exposure to radiation; • Smoking Risk factors for salivary gland cancer include: Sjögren's syndrome; Exposure to radiation;Smoking. 

 Treatments Small stones can be discharged without treatment. Still others may require major surgery. In bacterial infections no need to use extra moisture and antibiotics either orally or intravenously (IV). Hot packs are placed on the infected gland. Eat foods that stimulate the secretion of the gland and surgery may be necessary to drain the gland. Antibiotics do not help cure a viral infection. Our defense system is who does this work. Here you need to rest, increased fluid intake and use of analgesics for fever are the best ways to help the body heal itself. small cysts can drain without treatment. Large cysts may require surgery. Benign tumors usually require surgery to remove them as well as malignant tumors. Some tumors just need surgery, others require radiotherapy and chemotherapy in addition. Prescription drugs help reduce dry mouth symptoms. So if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned look for a head and neck surgeon for reviews.

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